Weather report


3. Jan 2024 -- Yesterday the coldest was -32C and in some places they got coldest measured in this time of the year. It then went -28C in the evening so I guessed it would get warmer and it did. This morning it's "only" -21C, still feels cold, because my "winter" jacket I've been mad about for couple of years. When your arms feel cold then you know your winter jacket is not warm enough for an actual winter, it just looks like one.

I don't want to think about this year too much, I know it's going to be hard, not that my years have not been hard before. I try to focus on my projects.

5. Jan 2024 -- Still cold, -31C this morning. It's been cold for a week which is quite unusual, but should be warm next week hopefully. However, the climate change is real and winters have been warmer than before, although as they say extremes are more likely so unnaturally warm or cold periods. This is true also, winters back in my childhood 30-40 years ago were much more stable and the temperature was more or less around -20C constantly and we didn't think it was that cold.

8. Jan 2024 -- It's now only -3C, from yesterday morning's -15C to -6C at evening. However not sure how many days this will last, but it has been nice. I had some kind of flashback, a memory, about programming and how nice it was in the early years. I think one of the problems I have today is that I can't use dark themes. It sounds kind of crazy, but it's true. Something wrong with my eyes, they get sore if I try to use dark background in a code editor. I would like them more than light themes. Anyway, it was a nice feeling because I remembered how I didn't have any of the problems I have now, you know, with The Life(tm).

9. Jan 2024 -- It's warm +2C and the snow has began to melt, but since it was so cold and there is lots of snow it probably wont disappear in two days. I have been tired lately, it's difficult to wake up earlier than 9:00. I had a spur of creativity, but it seems to be gone now. My right hand is still quite broken, I think it's pronator teres according to my youtube research, but what exactly is broken there I don't know. It seems to heal, but really slowly.

12. Jan 2024 -- Getting colder again, today has been "only" -8C, but it was quite windy and some snow. I've tried to achieve my life long dream to compile multiple C++ files in Linux. For whatever reason Visual Studio Code is a "flatpak" release in Fedora and can't use SDKs, however the compilation I think failed, because it can't find SDL's header file. The plan is to manually compile, maybe even write a makefile. Stuff like this is ancient in Linux, you have to reinvent the wheel yourself.

21. Jan 2024 -- It's exactly 0C so it's warmer than usual. A relieve after cold weather. My life on the other hand.. it feels like I'm at the end of the road. This time for real. When I was younger I could probably have prevented this, but now it could be too late. I almost wrote "if I'm wrong about this.." but it's not possible, because I'm always right.

I did write a python script which compiles multiple C++ files in Linux and OSX. I even made a github project for it. Also made Teemu compile and run in OSX/Linux.


2. Feb 2024 -- Last night was windy, they say the wind was coming from a storm in Norway. It's now -2, clear sky. I got myself a wind up timer to motivate game development. It strangely works. I had the idea from watching Nahre Sol's video about her time management. But today has been a slow day, I didn't sleep well. I try to distance myself from the problems I have. I wonder if I ever get to see the day when there is nothing to figure out?

9. Feb 2024 -- It was relatively warm for a while, but now it's -28C. As far as I understand it's warmer than usual in the middle parts of the planet which then creates these pockets of cold areas in the north. But who knows. I have an idea to rewrite Brick Atelier in WinForms and C#. I've been thinking about rewriting Brick for a long time, because SDL2 was not designed for this kind of program. It could be difficult, but then again there is not need for any of the manual GUI code that SDL2 requires. WinForms doesn't seem hard for that kind of program I guess, because it's all actions for commands.

11. Feb 2024 -- Still cold, it's evening and -20C. Night will be colder. I have a strange feeling, I think many people are saying that the world itself has changed somehow and it surely seems to be so. I don't believe that the vibration level is increasing or anything like that. But maybe we are reaching another "stage" in the story of the mankind, somehow. I'm just full of.. this, you know. This shitty world. There are good things in the world, but whatever it is, it's always a target for the evil.

13. Feb 2024 -- Weather is cold and bleak, it's morning and -17C. Even if there are first signs of the spring I've always hated it for some reason. Maybe for my depression, I never got rid of it to be honest. It didn't consume me and I think it never will, but at the same time I don't think I will ever be happy either.

3. Mar 2024 -- It's still cold, -1C today, the winter is sure taking its time. I've tried to hit the gym more often even though my right arm still hurts. The pain is slowly going away, I hope it heals completely. I have gained weight, I think it's partly because thyroxine, but also because I'm less active now. Weight training alone wont do the trick I guess. I discarded the idea of rewriting Brick Atelier, but I have figured out two new things, first is a release tag for the project management file and the second one is automatic testing for features that are difficult to test otherwise. Testing does seem to help in some areas of game development, which is something I learned only now.

5. Mar 2024 -- Last night was cold, it was -6C in the morning. I've been creating tests for Kaduria, too. I think testing has given me a tool to work with details. For some reason I have difficulties to make decisions about details in game projects, but with testing procedures I can focus on those details. This is another thing I discovered a bit late.

23. Mar 2024 -- It's morning, 0C and snowing. I think the hardest thing in life is when people around you are less intelligent than you.