Weather report

9. Oct 2023 -- Last night was below zero degrees, everything is in frost. 6th was first snow so winter is like a week or two early, based on leaves which in some trees and bushes are still green. They need to hurry up. The frost is beautiful, but I don't like the cold weather. I would like to stay indoors, but we have a dog. It's 14 years old so...

I like winter gear, it feels like wearing an armour against the cold if that makes any sense. I don't have money for ultra fancy gear, but I like to wear something that works like a scarf made of actual wool. It's much better than synthetic fibre ones. The weather can get warmer still, we are in climate change and the weather has become unpredictable. When I was young the weather was more stable, when winter came it stayed until the spring. So yes, climate change is real and you can see it happen.

Today is a special day. I wont tell what it is, but I hope this day would be already over. Some people, like myself, don't really have enough control of their own lives. Sometimes it just works that way I guess. Maybe, just maybe, I need more push to become more independent. I've been like this for so long that I don't even know what I want, but it has to be something different than what I now have. I would like to hate myself less than what I do now.

10. Oct 2023 -- It was -1.6C in the morning, but last night has been colder, the ground is hard. I survived yesterday, but the problem with my kind of people is that others "stick" to us. That's why most of us want to isolate from people, at least the people we don't like which is most of the people.

I need a new winter jacket. I have two, the one I'm mostly wearing is too cold for winter. Even now my arms feel cold. The other jacket I have is way too heavy and warm for other than -30C and colder weather. I need something in between. Since I live in middle of nowhere it's ordering online and hoping the jacket is ok and actually made for winter weather. I don't like to return stuff, it takes forever.

These weather reports will be daily I think, but I don't know if I should upload them daily, maybe more like when there is a week of reports. Each monday maybe.

11. Oct 2023 -- It's +5C, windy and rainy of course. Not cold enough to snow. Yesterday I went to gym, the leg day. I try to hit the gym at least once a week. I like it, but feels like I don't have enough energy or even time to lift more often. Like always I'm working on several roguelike projects at the same time. At the moment I'm trying to fix the mess when rewriting Advanced Rogue's source code I found on the internet. I don't even know if it's ok to refactor it, I have to try to find the developers if they are still alive and ask a permission to release the source code, I guess.

12. Oct 2023 -- There was a storm last night, but it's now only windy. Storms here are usually mild, no fallen trees or broken property. They say that winter is coming early this year. When I was young it was much more predictable, now we have seen "black" winters sometimes. It means there is no snow in December. Winters are warmer than they used to be, last winter was very warm, it never went below -20C.

My neck hurts, sprained trapezius muscle, right side. I have a bad posture. Feels like there is nothing I can do about it, I just sit so much every day it's hopeless to fix it. Advanced Rogue, or as I call it Banana Rogue, runs but it's a total mess. I think the level update doesn't work, it shows only dots the entire level. Player's Look crashes the game, I think it's the FOV routine, it just has a funny name, because usually looking is a different thing in roguelikes.

13. Oct 2023 -- It's friday the 13th, +1C. The yard is full of small fallen branches and of course leaves, could probably clean some of it today. I did sleep surprisingly well last night, could be the new routine before I go to sleep, I try to stretch the muscles of my legs. They are the ones most stuck. I'm actually trying to get to lotus pose. I'm nowhere near, I need serious increase to my mobility.

14. Oct 2023 -- Not yet winter. It's +6C and of course raining, what else. I'm still staring at a blank level filled with dots in Banana Rogue. The way level is displayed doesn't seem to work and it's quite difficult to read the original code and make some sense of it, because it's "coupled" C code as I would call it. Everything is a tangled mess.

Yesterday I felt like I would have fever or something like it. I have not had flu over 5 years or more, including covid. I missed it somehow. I guess you could still get it. I had three shots of vaccination, it's the max amount they gave to under 50 years old people. Or was it 60?

15. Oct 2023 -- Wind, +3C and rain. Probably "catched cold" which means stomach cramps later this night. Medics once told me it's a "functional issue", but I don't know more about it, since going to NHS with this kind of problem often just doesn't work, they are not interested. It has to be something they can see and experience at that moment. NHS wants to keep people away while private healthcare wants people in, because it gives more money to them.

One solution to this winter jacket conundrum would be a thick wool sweater to wear under a jacket as an extra layer. I once got norwegian wool socks as Christmas present and had to admit that norwegians know how to make wool socks. If there are sweaters of that kind it would work for sure.

16. Oct 2023 -- Wind but no rain, +3C. I think it makes more sense to upload each Sunday, a week's worth of... this. I tried to wear a wool sweater under a winter jacket, it's ok but can feel stuffy. I'm thinking about getting a new jacket, but not sure yet.

17. Oct 2023 -- Overslept last night, woke up at 8:30. It's +2C, getting colder. Went to sleep at 2:00, then dog woke me up at 4:00 at night to go out, so I was tired enough to oversleep. The quality of sleep is one of my problems, although when I was younger I was a good sleeper, but then something happened. Well, that something is probably my "prostate" or whatever issue, it began when I was in my twenties.

I'm looking out my window, the maple tree in the yard still has at least half of its leaves. Was not a clever idea to get that. Too many trees and bushes, the waste of leaves is remarkable. Two squirrels.

18. Oct 2023 -- It's slightly below zero. Didn't sleep well last night. Woke up at 4:00 and couldn't catch sleep until I guess moments before 8:00 when I woke up, that's the worst. I need that hut in the forest without any lights or sounds to sleep well I guess.

Trying to finish Teemu 1.3. It's going fine I guess, but I often jump to another project for whatever reason. I'm always telling myself I should focus on releasing Teemu, but it never works that way. The story of my life is that I never had a sharp focus on some specific thing which I could have then turned to a profit.

19. Oct 2023 -- 0C, a hint of snow last night. Unlike many people I like this time of the year, when it begins to snow. I got a new sim card from my ISP, I need to change it and hope the internet works after that. But first there are some important things to do before it.

Last night I slept better, even though woke up at 4:00 as usual it seems. I had a bad headache when I went to bed, but these days I don't take medication for headache. I let it pass.

20. Oct 2023 -- It's now -5C, hopefully getting colder. Dog woke me up at 4:30, the sky was quite amazing and I even saw a shooting star. This time of year is the small window when it's dark, sky is clear and there is no snow, so less light pollution.

21. Oct 2023 -- Frosty, -5C, no snow yet. Tired. Should man up to finish Teemu 1.3.

22. Oct 2023 -- Even more frost, almost -6C. No snow yet. Weird. Teemu has a bug in load game which I was not able to recreate. I should work more, I usually only spend 10-20 minutes at a time trying to fix something.

23. Oct 2023 -- Only -1C, no snow yet. Graveyards are funny. When I see graves I see people, not dead but living people who had their time and dreams. They created this world which we then ruined and there is nothing they can do about it. We'll join them sooner than we think, while wasting time fighting over nothing.

24. Oct 2023 -- It's been cloudy, but doesn't snow, strange. -7C. Today is a "big" day, the activation model visit on unemployment. Probably going to lose my benefit. Maybe I could set up some kind of donation for Teemu? As if anyone would ever give money to play it, but you never know. Donations are also problem in countries like Finland where you can't accept money just like that, there has to be something to sell etc. The laws are kind of fucked up, a remnant from socialist times.

25. Oct 2023 -- It's just dry, something the climate change has done I guess. -9C. Fog, gothic. Yesterday's interview went ok I guess, but it's still hard to find four jobs to apply in a month. And those jobs are not that great to be honest, maybe some of them are. There is just way too many people compared to the amount of jobs, this is the problem of outsourcing jobs. If we can't change it people are going to be unemployed no matter what.

26. Oct 2023 -- More frost, -6C. I feel as if I have fever, it's probably nothing. I figured out how to work with action code in Kaduria, I'm quite happy about it.

27. Oct 2023 -- I do have some kind of fever, I'm cold. They say covid is again in the game, but I doubt this is it. -4C.

28. Oct 2023 -- It's warmer than yesterday, -2C. I feel a bit better, but there is a strange taste in my mouth. Is this a sign of covid? I've been taking it easy.

29. Oct 2023 -- It did snow last night, but only a little. It's -5C, winter time or "normal" time I think it's called. The EU for some reason can't get rid of the summer time and an hour time switch. No one likes it so what is the problem with that? It was one of those things people did back in 1980's, along with ruining video games and music industry with blind greed.

It began to snow while I'm writing this. Cool.

30. Oct 2023 -- Snow, quite a lot, around 5cm. -3C. Snowplowing woke me up last night, they have to run even it was "only" 5cm. Roads could go a bit wonky if they didn't remove the snow.

31. Oct 2023 -- I'm still ill. Tired. -8C, but the forecast says it's going to be warm next week so this snow will disappear then. Is this covid or something else?

1. Nov 2023 -- More snow, -3C. The dog had pulled off the bandage in its leg and was licking the wound of course. It was smart enough to wake me up, in the middle of night, to patch it. Luckily it did have a concept that something was wrong.

2. Nov 2023 -- It did snow quite a lot, around 15cm, but it's already -1C and becoming warmer so this snow will most likely disappear in couple of days which is disappointing. I have problems with the internet, my ISP is taking down 3G network and I guess my 11-year old usb internet dongle was 3G mostly and it has fallen into a GPRS device. It was already slow, but it was good enough and not expensive. But it's just too slow so I ordered 5G (4G here, because 5G doesn't yet work) connection which better be a lot faster than this or I'm sending it back.

3. Nov 2023 -- The old internet began to work faster than before, so I had to return the new internet even before I got it. It's -2C.

4. Nov 2023 -- It's around +1C. The snow we got starting to melt. Quite slippery. The internet is faster than before so they were right about 3G. I wonder who was still using 3G if anyone? As always I'm working on one project then switching to another. I guess they will all be ready some day, at the same time. I think I have a prostate inflammation, it's that fever I feel. I'm trying to medicate myself with two Burana 400g's (per day) which is the name for ibuprofen in hereabouts. Maybe for 5 days or something like that, then to doctor which is iffy, because we have had bad luck with doctors in these rural areas. Not good ones wander here often.

5. Nov 2023 -- Snow is almost gone, +5C. Dark, moist, cold weather. What more do you need. According to a buddhist tradition you need a permission from a living buddha (enlightened person) to begin the journey to enlightenment, as he is the only one who can see your future on that matter.

6. Nov 2023 -- Trying to add a pattern mode to stamp brush in Brick Atelier. +4C.

7. Nov 2023 -- Still quite warm +3C. I got an external usb dvd/cd -drive. I think I have some CDs with interesting old stuff saved in them. There were two extra M-discs in the drive package which I didn't know about until now. They last for 1000 years.

8. Nov 2023 -- It's snowing in +2C.

9. Nov 2023 -- Tired. +1C. There is some arranged job I'm going to end up getting if I can't find a job which is unlikely. They do this to remove people from unemployment with questionable ways. I don't mind, it's a job.

10. Nov 2023 -- It's 0C, began to snow again.

11. Nov 2023 -- An inch more snow, -2C. Wolf tracks, sometimes they wander here. According to snowfall it had visited early in the morning.

12. Nov 2023 -- Windy, -4C. Feels colder than it is. Didn't spot any new wolf tracks so hopefully it was just visiting or maybe making its way to the nearby protected area. I've been there when I was younger, it's funny to see an actual forest compared to most of the forest which is more or less maintained.

13. Nov 2023 -- More snow, -1C.

14. Nov 2023 -- Getting a bit colder, -4C. I'm moving action code from special type of classes to procedures and separate .cpp modules. I think it's better this way, because you can modularize actions based on their type. Like eating, drinking, searching etc. in Kaduria. Procedures will become "old school" style with ifs to determine if the actor is player or monster. Again, this feels clumsy, but it's actually the best solution I know.

15. Nov 2023 -- I think it could have been -10C last night, but it's now -6C. However it can get warm suddenly and winters have been warmer here near the arctic circle. Last winter it was not colder than -20C.

16. Nov 2023 -- It's been snowing just a little bit. -4C. I've been thinking about life and dreams. The universe and evolution is a machine, maybe to reach a superintelligence in the end, but it doesn't care about small details like individuals. Knowing this I try to relax, but it's not easy.

20. Nov 2023 -- I let go of the idea on writing every day. It's -5C and this winter seems to be quite dry at least for now. It doesn't snow. This Christmas has to see the release of Teemu 1.3, I need to focus on it. After all it's so close.

25. Nov 2023 -- It has been -10C for couple of days now and there is more snow. I have "returned" to 3D modeling since Blender 4.0 was released. The first task is to update all Lostari scenes. I lost couple of them when that hard drive died years ago so I have to remake them. I also want to update materials etc. The great thing about 3D art is that you can update them.

26. Nov 2023 -- It's -20C which was a surprise, but it's been cold in the south as well which is unusual I guess.

26. Dec 2023 -- For some days the temperature has been almost zero so quite warm. It's now -5C and should get as low as -30. Another Christmas done, without big fights I guess. I've been working on my old 3D scenes and it has been more fun than I thought. Besides I need something in my "portfolio" as I am an actual graphic designer, just never worked in those jobs full time. I was nowhere near finishing Teemu 1.3 this year even I thought so at the beginning of the year. The decision to add a shopkeeper was the reason for that, quite difficult feature to code.

31. Dec 2023 -- It's a bit colder now as they promised, this morning it was -15C. I don't care, but the dog disagrees. I think the reason I've began to work on those old 3D scenes is that I never (or rarely) get anything done. I have zillion of unfinished projects and I want it to end. I want to finish all of my projects and then retire.