Happiest country in the world
They say that Finland is the happiest country and it has also become a meme. As a finnish person myself I have to politely disagree, although when we think about how much worse it can get there might be some truth in this statement. Like everywhere else Finland can be the happiest country if you are in the 1% of rich people and you have it all figured out. Let’s unpack why this isn’t the case for the majority of finnish people.
The big picture of Finland is an old socialist country that took in the globalization in hard and the same process is still working on slowly destroying what Finland once was. The main result of globalization was the loss of industrial jobs, mainly in manufacturing, following a large amount of unemployment with no solution in sight. When the fragile structure of the economy was broken the state has been patching it with foreign loans, which by now are the norm. We simply can’t operate without taking loan every year, because there isn’t enough economic power to generate money for the country’s expenses.
We have a heavy taxation combined with most expensive cost of living in the world. The taxation is a political remain from socialism which no longer exists, but the state insisted to keep their inefficient systems and traditions in place. They then require private companies, especially smaller ones that can’t “plan” taxation, to pay from everything. The expenses of running a company are insufferably high for most people to even think about starting a business. We mixed the worst parts of socialism and capitalism just to be more depressed, because we shun the idea of being happy unless it’s for appearances.
Finland has traditionally been an egalitarian culture, but there has been a dramatic change how we “understand” equality. The modern implementation of equality has in fact completely ruined the true equality we once had. Women are thought to be better than men, they have better chance to get educated and get a job than men, which is achieved by simply favoring women regardless of their skills. Men still have their “old” role as a provider and men are expected to create their own success against all the odds. This illusion of equality has created a lopsided relation between men and women which seems to be difficult to settle.
Finnish women are often stumpy and rather ugly. The reason for this is that when people migrated to north after the last ice age they had to be something special. Strong, resilient and less beautiful. These genes are still with us, because we are extremely inbred country. Inbreeding makes us even more ugly and prone to diseases which of course are harder for men, who are not taken care of until possibly when they die. From their birth women are told they are beautiful and great people, better than men. This completely removes any kind of responsibility from being a good or even lawful person. This means we have incompetent women in jobs and even as politicians who can do a lot of damage until they are removed.
The democracy of Finland has sometimes been praised, but the development of global capitalism has “modernized” democracy which in practice disregards it. One of the first signs of this was the way we were tricked to join the European Union. The mainstream media simply lied to people to get their votes. The privatization scheme of national healthcare system is disgusting, making people suffer and even die from lack of healthcare workers. This inherent corruption in politics is possible, because we simply don’t call it corruption. We like to keep up appearances more than anything else. The last nail in the coffin of democracy was the totally hilarious “voting” to join Nato. We didn’t even need to vote, the result was so obviously fixed.
Finland is partly located in the arctic circle which makes it a cold place. The so called “summer” lasts for couple of weeks if we are lucky to have a warm summer. The rest is rain and three long seasons which all could be classified as winter. Finnish nature is simple and rugged, some may call it beautiful, but it’s not the word I would use. Most of the woods are economic or maintained forests which look as boring as they sound and the usual type of tree is pine, but there are more spruces in the south. This spartan nature is replicated in our cities and villages which are both ugly and practical, there is no room for anything beautiful. We don’t like colors, everything has to be toned down to gray, black and white.
It’s not a secret that finnish people are anti-social, but it’s even worse than just avoiding contacts to other people. We can’t even work with other people and rather would undermine any benefits of working in groups. Since it’s rare we have a lot less success and money than we deserve. Compared to the relatively high level of education Finland is a poor country, because deep down in our minds we don’t want to be rich. We are doing our best to avoid it, because it’s essential to be poor and suffer as any good person would do.
We don’t like foreigners, other than cheap slave workers for ultra-capitalist companies, and we are as racist as any white people, but we like to keep smiling as immigrants rush in to enrichen our culture. It’s important to “show” that we are not racist, so immigrants are accepted, but secretly we hate them. We also like to think they are inferior to us and it’s maybe even true, but if you say it out loud you make yourself a target for “angry” people who like to condemn you, even if they think exactly the same way. The amount of hypocricy in our culture is astounding.
Mental health problems of men are always kept in secret and often expressed as anger and hate, sometimes even productive ways. Most men are expendable assets both in workplaces and personal life. Women have to work hard to get mental health problems they projected to themselves and everyone has to “understand” them and help them recover, which they never do, because they want to be the victim of “toxic masculinity” or whatever they can come up for an excuse to act like a child. Our feminists who are even worse than average women, exist only to find ways they can hurt men which makes them happy. So I guess at least some people are happy in this country.